The harpy eagle had great mythological significance in Costa Rican art. The great bird, both beautiful and tierce, has been the subject of devotion and adoration for centuries. The gold...
The harpy eagle had great mythological significance in Costa Rican art. The great bird, both beautiful and tierce, has been the subject of devotion and adoration for centuries. The gold masterpiece which silently shimmers in all its glory and mystery before us is undoubtedly an exceptional work of art. It combines the powerful forces of artistic ingenuity with mythical imagery. Two bulbous eyes of applied gold stare out at us on either Bide of the enormous beak. The "all seeing eyes" of the harpy eagle were desired by all shamans who wished to possess this quality of omnipotence. A strong, hooked beak and powerful claws exemplify the magnitude of force the bird contains. The harpy eagle is the most powerful eagle in the world and is found only in the south of Mexico, Central America, South America and Costa Rica. It was exclusively associated with the highest-ranking members of society. The crest, rounded wings and long tail are adorned with a beautiful and delicate gold filigree. The ancient artist has cleverly transformed the claws into two loops which lead us to believe that it was worn as a pendant. The entire composition is full of dynamic energy. At any moment, this exquisite golden bird may take us on a flight back in time to the ancient magical world of ritual and fantasy.