The ancient site of Tlantilco in the valley of Mexico came to light in 1936, during excavations carried out by brick workers digging for clay. While removing the clay in...
The ancient site of Tlantilco in the valley of Mexico came to light in 1936, during excavations carried out by brick workers digging for clay. While removing the clay in order to make bricks, these workmen discovered a large number of burials, in which were placed delicately modeled figurines, such as this remarkable example. Later excavations in the area, performed by archaeologists, revealed that these burials formed a portion of a very large village, Tlatilco, located west of the Great Lake on a small stream, and settled by about 1200 B.C. The figurines that appear in these ancient burials reveal that they are the most aesthetically satisfying in Ancient Mexico. This little woman, with her exaggerated belly and hips, bears a striking resemblance to neolithic astarte fertility figures from the Near East. Her function is very likely the same too--she evokes the goddess, the giver of life. Yet there is something warmly human about this piece, with her relaxed pose and carefully combed-out hair. There is no question that the people who created her thought of her as beautiful.