Guanacaste-Nicoya Tlaloc Effigy Vessel, 1000 CE - 1550 CE
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This large pear-shaped jar rests on a flared foot and curves in a wide mouth. The vessel is painted to represent the head of the Mexican rain god, Tlaloc. Ears...
This large pear-shaped jar rests on a flared foot and curves in a wide mouth. The vessel is painted to represent the head of the Mexican rain god, Tlaloc. Ears with earspools, a small nose and a wide, open mouth showing upper and bottom teeth with beard are applied to the vessel. The large double-ringed round eyes are diagnostic of the effigy face theme. The mouth is very large and the red paint curving out to the sides may represent a mouth mask. The pedestal foot is painted with decorations in orange and red stripes alternating with black squiggly lines. The lower band of the body is decorated with red bands of color. The wide band at the mouthrim contains the stylized man-jaguar motif. The thinner upper and lower bands encircling the wide band at the mouthrim contain various elements. This vessel is thought to have been elite-associated ware.