Basalt Trophy Head, 500 CE - 1000 CE
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The human head and face have fascinated artists for millennia. It is not only the attempt to depict a particular face accurately, but to capture the essence of the human...
The human head and face have fascinated artists for millennia. It is not only the attempt to depict a particular face accurately, but to capture the essence of the human soul. When an artist succeeds in creating an object of beauty that radiates an aura of mystery and a profound sense of wonder, then something extremely important has been achieved. This very powerful head has all those elements that make an object a work of art. It is elegant and beautifully made, with fine lines and contours, precise detailing and dramatic expression. Its distinctive features suggest that this is the image of an important person. The deep X-pattern incisions on the cheeks are ritual scarifications, which were signs of beauty and prestige. As are the pierced ears from which brilliant gold jewelry may have hung. The headdress is like a double crown, which stands out very prominently. The face is proud and fierce, like a warrior or ruler who wishes to impress both enemy and friend alike. One particularly remarkable feature is the head is hollow inside and may have been intended either as a mask or as a type of lid. It is possible this is a unique incensario used in rituals. This would explain why the top of the head is open and curved like a bowl to contain offerings of incense. Imagine seeing this extraordinary sculpture on top of a pillar with smoke pouring from all its openings, while priests chanted and went into states of altered consciousness. The power that went into those ceremonies is still retained in this head, and attests to the ability of an artist who imbued life into volcanic stone.