Garnet And Jasper Bead Necklace
One of the most prized gems of Antiquity, the dark reddish-purple garnet was often set into gold jewelry during the Hellenistic age in Greece and throughout the Roman Imperial era....
One of the most prized gems of Antiquity, the dark reddish-purple garnet was often set into gold jewelry during the Hellenistic age in Greece and throughout the Roman Imperial era. It was also favored in the jewelry of the European Dark Ages and Medieval times: the famous Sutton Hoo treasure found in England contains over 4000 cut and faceted garnets. Garnet denotes an entire family of silicate minerals found in numerous varieties and colors ranging tram pink, to red, purple, brown to almost black. The most preferred hues are red (for which the garnet was often confused in Antiquity with the ruby) and purple. As with many gems, the finest varieties come from India bath in the Ancient world and the Modern. According to a Talmudic legend, the only source of light on Noah's Ark was a single large garnet. The therapeutic value of the stone is that it keeps the wearer free tram wounds and promotes good health in general. It is particularly useful for preventing skin disorders and giving a glowing complexion.
Jasper is an opaque member of the quartz family, found in a variety of colors. Because of its rich hues and the fact that it polishes to a high luster, jasper bas been used in jewelry throughout history. Moreover, the protective properties of the stone, which vary depending on the color, have favored its use in amulets and talismans since before recorded history. In The Old Testament (Exodus,xxviii, 15-30) jasper is named as one of the twelve stones, representing the twelve tribes, to be set in gold and placed in the breastplate of the High Priest. The Egyptians carved scarabs from jasper; the Greeks and Romans made entire vessels from it, believing that the stone's powers would pass to them through the food or drink the vessels contained. Jasper's chief virtue since Antiquity bas lain in its ability to attract poisons and venoms iota itself, thug removing the cause of disease. Jasper is found throughout the world, and mankind is fortunate that in addition to its helpful nature, it is also extremely becoming to wear.
Jasper is an opaque member of the quartz family, found in a variety of colors. Because of its rich hues and the fact that it polishes to a high luster, jasper bas been used in jewelry throughout history. Moreover, the protective properties of the stone, which vary depending on the color, have favored its use in amulets and talismans since before recorded history. In The Old Testament (Exodus,xxviii, 15-30) jasper is named as one of the twelve stones, representing the twelve tribes, to be set in gold and placed in the breastplate of the High Priest. The Egyptians carved scarabs from jasper; the Greeks and Romans made entire vessels from it, believing that the stone's powers would pass to them through the food or drink the vessels contained. Jasper's chief virtue since Antiquity bas lain in its ability to attract poisons and venoms iota itself, thug removing the cause of disease. Jasper is found throughout the world, and mankind is fortunate that in addition to its helpful nature, it is also extremely becoming to wear.