Basalt Standing Male Figure, 100 CE - 500 CE
This basalt sculpture of a young man stands stoutly, holding a human head over his shoulder by its lock of braided hair and a weapon-like object. It is sculpted in...
This basalt sculpture of a young man stands stoutly, holding a human head over his shoulder by its lock of braided hair and a weapon-like object. It is sculpted in a simple geometric manner with large incision lines, which defines bold facial features and muscle tones. This simplicity attributes the stone figure the crucial qualities such as a sense of physical presence and weight. Such powerful figure displays his strength by his arm raised over his shoulder, holding a weapon. Perhaps he has just won a battle from which he took the trophy head of his victim. And the proud stature certainly portrays power and dominance of a victorious warrior. Such prized trophy head was an important offering in ceremonial rituals. During this period in Costa Rica, people took trophy heads in battles for human sacrifice to please the god and to maintain agricultural fertility. Because of the strong belief in human sacrifice pleasing the god, conquests and wars became the fight to obtain victims for human sacrifice. Holding the prized heads, the young, muscular warrior stands proudly, displaying the honor and pride he has earned.