Squatting Female Effigy Vessel, 200 CE - 500 CE
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This figure has a polished red slip decorated with shapes in black, and outlined with a fine engraving. These black painted areas suggest body paint, tattooing, or articles of clothing...
This figure has a polished red slip decorated with shapes in black, and outlined with a fine engraving. These black painted areas suggest body paint, tattooing, or articles of clothing and jewelry. The red paint is luminous and glistens to make this figure seem important within the community. A sense of dignity and sculptural monumentality is apparent in the kneeling pose, which may have also been a ceremonial posture. The hands are pressed to the abdomen, perhaps in the early stages of pregnancy. This woman is sitting straight ahead, staring out at us with her mouth open as if she will speak, while the look on her face suggest eternal knowledge. Such magnificent figures, meant to be buried in tombs, carry the optimistic promise of a renewed life.