Fanti Wooden Sculpture of a Standing Woman, 20th Century CE
4.375 x 16.75
This beautiful fertility statue shows the combination of creativity and function. The tall and erect posture is highlighted by the geometric carving pattern and the white paint which has been...
This beautiful fertility statue shows the combination of creativity and function. The tall and erect posture is highlighted by the geometric carving pattern and the white paint which has been speckled throughout the entire piece. The female is nude except for the exquisite white beads around her long, slender neck, her waist and wrist. The accentuated breasts, navel and protruding stomach all suggest fertility. Her face is very square, with her eyes, eyebrows and cheeks accentuated by black. The hair is of particular interest, as it has been parted down the middle and placed into a series of braids, making it very striking indeed. Although the piece was created to perform a specific function, it still remains a beautiful piece of art.