Green Stone Phallus, 100 CE - 500 CE
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Although Costa Rica was a major lapidary center, comparatively few examples of very high quality stone have been found. Of these, many are jade in the form of animals or...
Although Costa Rica was a major lapidary center, comparatively few examples of very high quality stone have been found. Of these, many are jade in the form of animals or 'Axe-god' Celts used as pendants or ritual figures. The rarity of objects so beautifully carved, as this phallus may not necessarily reflect their limited production in ancient times. Fertility cults flourished for centuries and involved elaborate rituals designed to aid both men and women in procreation. The blue-green stone of this phallus is particularly lovely; and though not as precious as jade, was valuable enough to merit a talented sculptor's expertise. It is very realistic, even to the thick tendon on the back and curve of the head. Though the testicles are almost abstractly small, they have an undeniable aesthetic charm. It is possible such phalluses were made as dildos, which would explain the use of a smooth material. As a work of art it is a pure form of virility, elegance and natural beauty.