This lovely gold pendant depicts a deity or an ancestor figure who wears an intricately detailed headdress. His high status is indicated by his bejeweled wrists, the elaborate plumed headdress...
This lovely gold pendant depicts a deity or an ancestor figure who wears an intricately detailed headdress. His high status is indicated by his bejeweled wrists, the elaborate plumed headdress that he wears and the ring which adorns his pierced septum. He holds his stomach with both hands and appears to be laughing or singing. The charm of this amulet owes to the humorous yet dignified stance of the figure as well as its marvellous attention to detail. The headdress is crafted in order to give the texture and appearance of braiding. Two rings dangle from either end of the broad band which crowns his head. The face is fashioned with painstaking attention to detail. The eyes gaze between heavy lids, the contours of the rounded cheeks are well defined, and the prominent nose is exquisitely fashioned. This pendant was valued for its function as well as its form. The bottom of the figure, which is carved in imitaion of a Tumi (a ceremonial knife) was used as a tweezer to remove hair and beautify the face and body of the owner.