Mezcala Green Stone Mask, 300 BCE - 300 CE
Green Stone
4 x 4.25
Along the region of the Rio Mezcala in the Central portion of the Mexican state of Guerrero, an ancient culture evolved which created highly expressive and powerful stone ritual objects....
Along the region of the Rio Mezcala in the Central portion of the Mexican state of Guerrero, an ancient culture evolved which created highly expressive and powerful stone ritual objects. Possibly springing from the same roots as the famous Olmec culture, the people of Mezcala imbued Celts, axes used for hafting, with both magical and spiritual symbolism. The talented Mezcala artists who created these dynamic ritual Celts developed a powerful, expressive style of abstraction remarkably close to that of many modern artists.
This mask-like pendant has been carved with facial features characteristic of the Mezcala style. With two drill holes at the top of the reverse, it is likely that this pendant would have been strung on a chord and worn for important ritual or ceremonial functions.
This mask-like pendant has been carved with facial features characteristic of the Mezcala style. With two drill holes at the top of the reverse, it is likely that this pendant would have been strung on a chord and worn for important ritual or ceremonial functions.