Steatite Seal of the reign, 1490 BCE - 1436 CE
The seal is in the shape of a cartouche. On one side a goose is shown. Above is a game board. This is symbolic of the god Amun because the...
The seal is in the shape of a cartouche. On one side a goose is shown. Above is a game board. This is symbolic of the god Amun because the gooses are sacred to Amun and his name is written with the game board symbol. Before the gooses is a heart attached to a windpipe, the sign for nefer, is "beauty" or "perfection." The symbols as a whole mean, "Amun is perfect." On the reverse side is a cartouche flanked by two feathers. The name in the cartouche is Menkheperre, the throne name for Tuthmosis III.