Opaque White Mold-Blown Glass Flask, 50 CE - 200 CE
The years 50-200 A.D. were ones of comparative peace and prosperity in the Roman world. This lovely flask is mold-blown and hexagonal in shape, with a freely blown cylindrical neck...
The years 50-200 A.D. were ones of comparative peace and prosperity in the Roman world. This lovely flask is mold-blown and hexagonal in shape, with a freely blown cylindrical neck and inward folded rim. The pear- shaped body is divided into six rectangular columnar panels, each representing a ritual vase. Egg-shaped motifs are set within arches on the shoulder. Festoons and bunches of grapes decorate the lower part of the body. The flask rests on a ring foot blown in a tripartite mold. At a glance we see it is delicate and solid, tender and strong; with the softness of a lily and the luster of marble. But unlike many great monuments, this flask, in perfect condition, has outlived the empire which inspired its creation.