Bangwa Ivory Sculpture of a Queen Mother, 20th Century CE
1.75 x 6.125
This beautiful female figure is a perfect example of the artistic skill that can be found in Africa. Her expressiveness and her detail have been done with great dexterity and...
This beautiful female figure is a perfect example of the artistic skill that can be found in Africa. Her expressiveness and her detail have been done with great dexterity and care, partly in turn to the fact that carving ivory is extremely difficult and requires the true artist to create a piece of art from it. The ivory itself is perfectly smooth and is stained with a brown resin, which is a typical style of this tribe. All the features are carved into the ivory with great care. The jewelry that the woman is wearing is typical of the tribe, which includes the extensive rings around the neck, forearms and ankles. Her breasts are large and pendulous, asserting her femininity. Her facial features are open and alive, giving her a rare realistic quality. Yet her beauty goes beyond what the viewer is able to physically see, we become a part of the culture and the heritage,making the piece far more precious than perhaps first thought.