Gold Pendant with Silver Denarius of Emperor Domitian, 81 CE - 96 CE
Silver and Gold
Born in Rome T. Flaminius Domitianus was the younger son of emperor Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla. Though somewhat overshadowed by his older brother Titus (reigned 79 - 81 A.D.), Domitian...
Born in Rome T. Flaminius Domitianus was the younger son of emperor Vespasian and Flavia Domitilla. Though somewhat overshadowed by his older brother Titus (reigned 79 - 81 A.D.), Domitian held seven consulships which clearly proved he was part of the dynastic succession. When his brother died the transition to power was smooth and without serious dissention. His reign was initially distinguished by conscientious performance of duty and high moral standards. However, he failed to find a working relationship with the senate, finally falling victim to his own fears and a plot formed by intimates of his entourage. This handsome coin shows the emperor facing right wearing a laurel wreath. On the reverse is the goddess Minerva holding shield and spear, with an owl at her feet.