Endre Szasz - Waves Of The Soul
Oil On Wood
21.5 x 21.5
In the painting “Waves of the Soul”, we observe the beautiful image of a woman, her grey-green eyes expressive of the fluttering soul that fills her. A hat and cloak...
In the painting “Waves of the Soul”, we observe the beautiful image of a woman, her grey-green eyes expressive of the fluttering soul that fills her. A hat and cloak echo the movements of the woman's heart as the delicate wisps of adornment on the garments swirl around her like waves upon the ocean. Soft tendrils of hair also reflect the movement of her heart as curling strands gently cascade down the sides of the woman's tender face. Just as waves are an ancient symbol of purity, so we experience the purity of spirit that emanates from this lovely woman, her beauty ageless in its ability to move us, much like she herself moves with the waves of the soul.