Rick Araluce - The Whisperer In Darkness
Acrylic On Masonite
48 x 66
In “The Whisperer in Darknes”s we are witness to shamanic power at its most bewitching. We experience a standing shaman, whose wizened face is grasped by a series of thin,...
In “The Whisperer in Darknes”s we are witness to shamanic power at its most bewitching. We experience a standing shaman, whose wizened face is grasped by a series of thin, bony hands that materialize out of the darkness, tugging at the spirits within. The shaman's body is shrouded in a tightly wrapped robe, whose blood red color is mysteriously reflected in the mystical orb that is balanced on the blackened fingernails of the holy man. A wall of stone appears behind the shaman, the soft, shadowed edges of the individual stones further enhancing the mystical quality of this extraordinary painting. As we stare into the shaman's oracular globe and sense his all-encompassing power and energy, we are transported to spiritual depths that both intrigue and excite our primal sensibilities.