Stuart Ellis - The Judgment Of Mother Earth
Pen & Ink On Paper
25 x 19.5
In the painting “The Judgment of Mother Earth” we are witness to dead lakes, an egg in a cage, and fiercely erupting volcanoes, as a bizarre mother earth keeps track...
In the painting “The Judgment of Mother Earth” we are witness to dead lakes, an egg in a cage, and fiercely erupting volcanoes, as a bizarre mother earth keeps track of the devastating toll on her calculator. While her octopus-like fingers punch the keys a military-industrial monster probes the planet with a searching hand. As we watch the pair scrutinize and tally the woes of the earth we cannot help but speculate as to the inevitable verdict soon to be pronounced. In these days of environmental urgencies, are we perhaps experiencing a touch of prophecy in this compelling, albeit offbeat, rendering of the judgment of our finite planet?