The magical city of Los Angeles reveals itself in Endre Szasz' painting “Lula Alone in California” as an ominous beast, complete with monstrous fangs, serpentine tail and a leering eye...
The magical city of Los Angeles reveals itself in Endre Szasz' painting “Lula Alone in California” as an ominous beast, complete with monstrous fangs, serpentine tail and a leering eye that leaves us spellbound. A background of blackness adds to the intimidation of this mythical beast as he hovers over a layer of pink clouds that embrace Lula, sitting like a solitary goddess within her fantasy-like dwelling. Diminutive in stature beneath the awesome city beast, Lula nevertheless asserts her own spirited nature and quietly defies the beast's overwhelming presence. She is an individual not easily consumed by a predator, not easily smothered by the masses. She is a goddess whose indomitable spirit blooms boldly, wherever it is planted.