Two Silver Denarii of Roman Emperor Trajan, 98 CE - 117 CE
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about A.D. 52. He held several important military posts and was eventually appointed governor of Upper Germany by Nerva, who later...
Marcus Ulpius Trajanus was born in Italica in Spain about A.D. 52. He held several important military posts and was eventually appointed governor of Upper Germany by Nerva, who later adopted him as heir to the throne. On his succession, Trajan decided that the time was ripe for territorial expansion and he successfully undertook the conquest of Dacia, which then became a Roman Province. The famous column which was erected to commemorate Trajan's Dacian Wars still stands in Rome. He also carried out a spectacular building program in Rome and constructed or repaired man y roads, bridges and aqueducts throughout the Empire. In the latter years of his reign, Trajan turned his attention to the Eastern frontier and in A.D. 113 he set out to annex both Armenia and Mesopotamia. He achieved considerable success in his Eastern campaigns and four new Provinces were added to the Empire. At this point, however, revolts broke out in a number of Provinces and Trajan was obliged to withdraw to Antioch. He determined to return to Rome to direct operations, but he died on the journey at Selinus in Cilicia in August A.D. 117. News of his death was kept secret for several days so that Plotina, his widow, could arrange for the succession of Hadrian, who had never been officially declared Trajan's heir. The reign of Trajan is generally accepted as the true beginning of Rome's golden age. To wear these splendid silver coin earrings set in gold is to carry on the legacy of the golden age of Rome—the earrings’ radiant beauty a reminder of the radiance on an ancient time.