With an expressive face that commands our immediate attention, this charming male figure exemplifies the Ancient Maya artists' ability to transform the malleable medium of clay into captivating works of...
With an expressive face that commands our immediate attention, this charming male figure exemplifies the Ancient Maya artists' ability to transform the malleable medium of clay into captivating works of art. Kneeling comfortably on his left leg, this animated little character lifts his right arm to his chest, while resting his elbow atop the knee of his bent right leg. Did the artist who created this delightful fellow capture the suspended pose of an ancient storyteller, from whose open mouth emerges the slightest chuckle of self-amusement? Whatever the original Mayan representation, this tiny ceramic figure exudes a mighty spirit...a spirit far grander in scale than the miniature body from which it miraculously emerges.