This solid clay figure once stood among the dead in an Ancient Nayarit shaft tomb. The figure appears sexless, and was at one time adorned with light cream, orange, and...
This solid clay figure once stood among the dead in an Ancient Nayarit shaft tomb. The figure appears sexless, and was at one time adorned with light cream, orange, and black slip decorations. It is recognizable as the ‘Chinesco’ style from its triangular shaped head and softly pointed face. Its thick bowed legs and fish-tail-like feet allow it to stand upright; while its curved arms lie close to the body, merging on the abdomen. The figure’s stance is unassuming and adornment is modest. A pair of attached earrings, a modeled necklace, and a thin orange painted belt that has survived the elements of time. The wonderful softness, modeling, and muted colors of this figure remind us of the many centuries that have passed since this figure stood in an ancient tomb.