The idea of the male warrior was an extremely strong one during this time and in this culture. Constant reminders of their strength would deter any uprising any conflict with...
The idea of the male warrior was an extremely strong one during this time and in this culture. Constant reminders of their strength would deter any uprising any conflict with their enemies. The gray volcanic stone lends a softness and grace to the whole sculpture, while in his hand he holds a trophy head, symbolizing their domination and power over the enemy in battle. The serpent motif also acts as a deterrent amongst their enemies, suggesting a discreet and cunning style to their strength. This motif can be found with two serpents entwined within the hair and another wrapped around his waist. Also, the material used adds to the idea of the strength of this community and more specifically of this warrior. The carved decoration throughout the chest area adds an overall armored effect, thus bringing the visual strength of the sculpture to an ultimate height, and allowing us to see art work at its most effective