Roman Bronze Coin of Empress Aelia Flaccilla, 379 CE - 386 CE
Obverse: Diademed and Draped Bust of the Empress Facing Righ Reverse: Victory Seated Right, Inscribing Chi-Rho onto a Shiel Aelia Flaccilla was the wife of Theodosius I. She was born...
Obverse: Diademed and Draped Bust of the Empress Facing Righ
Reverse: Victory Seated Right, Inscribing Chi-Rho onto a Shiel
Aelia Flaccilla was the wife of Theodosius I. She was born in Spain in the mid forth century A.D. to a prominent family (her father, Antonius, was praefect of Gaul) and married the future emperor Theodosius in 376. She was the mother of two sons who both became Augusti - Arcadius, born in 377, and Honorius, born in 384. She became Empress in 379, but did not recieve the title of Augusta until 383 when Arcadius was named Augustus. She died in Thrace in 386 and is remembered primarily for her Christian piety and benevolence to the poor.
Reverse: Victory Seated Right, Inscribing Chi-Rho onto a Shiel
Aelia Flaccilla was the wife of Theodosius I. She was born in Spain in the mid forth century A.D. to a prominent family (her father, Antonius, was praefect of Gaul) and married the future emperor Theodosius in 376. She was the mother of two sons who both became Augusti - Arcadius, born in 377, and Honorius, born in 384. She became Empress in 379, but did not recieve the title of Augusta until 383 when Arcadius was named Augustus. She died in Thrace in 386 and is remembered primarily for her Christian piety and benevolence to the poor.