This vessel exudes a mysterious energy, an ancient intangible potency that is as radiant today as the day it was fired. Much like we can conceive of spirits haunting the...
This vessel exudes a mysterious energy, an ancient intangible potency that is as radiant today as the day it was fired. Much like we can conceive of spirits haunting the earth after their bodily demise, ancient spiritual powers continue to inhabit certain sacred object long after the civilization that created them has faded away. This cylindrical container is certainly one such object. The exterior surface has been decorated with elegant polychrome motifs. A central panel, repeated twice, depicts a conjoined couple, elegantly adorned in feathered headdresses, standing next to a figure holding a spear, who is hunched over towards the ground. Two panels painted black, slightly resembling envelopes, frame these scenes. Banners of trophy heads along the top and bottom of the vessel complete the decoration. What might be the meaning of this mysterious imagery? Unfortunately, we can only guess. This masterful work of ancient Mayan pottery must have played a vital role in a long forgotten ceremony. Its importance is reflected both in its tremendous craftsmanship as well as the glyphs that adorn it. Found in the tomb of an ancient ruler or dignitary, this vessel was as essential to the ancient Mayan in the next world as it was in this one.