Edo Period Bronze Sculpture of the Buddha, 1603 CE - 1867 CE
The Edo Period, the final period of traditional Japan lasting from 1603 until 1867, was a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth. The Shogunate, a military dictatorship...
The Edo Period, the final period of traditional Japan lasting from 1603 until 1867, was a time of internal peace, political stability, and economic growth. The Shogunate, a military dictatorship that effectively ruled the land, was established by Tokugawa. Although Edo was the Imperial and spiritual capital of Japan, Edo (now called Tokyo) became the political, administrative, and military center and grew into the largest metropolis in the world, perhaps nearly twice the size of Paris and London. The arts flourished during the Edo period and much of the history of the era and the city can be traced through the woodcuts of artists such as Hiroshige. Japan opened up to the west and expanded its economic horizon to the point that, by the end of the Edo period, merchants had become more powerful than Samurais.
An inscription, partially in Sanskrit adorning this work can be translated as: "Produced by Tadazou Iinuma, first year of Shouho, Kanoe. Prayed for and requested by Ryozen, master of Shingon religious party, Dainichi-Nyorai, Yudo-no-San Temple, of the highest social class." This monumental bronze sculpture likely once dominated the interior of a temple. Judging from the inscription, it is likely that this work was once placed in the Yudo-no-San Temple. We can imagine tired pilgrims struggling to climb the mountain, only to arrive at the top and have their energy revitalized by this monumental sculpture. In the Vajra mudra, the index finger of the left hand is clasped by the five fingers of the right; this is also known as the "six elements mudra," or the "fist of wisdom" mudra, for it symbolizes the unity of the five worldly elements (earth, water, fire, air, and metal) with spiritual consciousness.
An inscription, partially in Sanskrit adorning this work can be translated as: "Produced by Tadazou Iinuma, first year of Shouho, Kanoe. Prayed for and requested by Ryozen, master of Shingon religious party, Dainichi-Nyorai, Yudo-no-San Temple, of the highest social class." This monumental bronze sculpture likely once dominated the interior of a temple. Judging from the inscription, it is likely that this work was once placed in the Yudo-no-San Temple. We can imagine tired pilgrims struggling to climb the mountain, only to arrive at the top and have their energy revitalized by this monumental sculpture. In the Vajra mudra, the index finger of the left hand is clasped by the five fingers of the right; this is also known as the "six elements mudra," or the "fist of wisdom" mudra, for it symbolizes the unity of the five worldly elements (earth, water, fire, air, and metal) with spiritual consciousness.