Late Bronze Age Terracotta Pilgrim's Flask, 1500 BCE - 1250 BCE
In the Holy Land, where wells are scarce and far between, the water flask was part of every traveler's equipment. With a flattened circular body and handles through which a...
In the Holy Land, where wells are scarce and far between, the water flask was part of every traveler's equipment. With a flattened circular body and handles through which a cord be passed, such flasks could be suspended from the shoulder to refresh the traveler on long journeys. In Samuel, the story is told of how David found king Saul sleeping on a cave. Though Saul was pursuing him with evil intent, David refused to harm the king. Instead, to demonstrate his mercy, David took only Saul's spear and the water flask near the king's head. That flask no doubt closely resembled this graceful one. As we hold this vessel in our hands today, we cannot help but wonder who drank from it so long ago.