Gold Coin of the Byzantine Emperor Constans II, 641 CE - 48 CE
This Gold Coin is Set in an 18 Karat Gold Rin Constans II was barn to the purple as the son of the emperor Heraclius Constantine, having been made co-emperor...
This Gold Coin is Set in an 18 Karat Gold Rin
Constans II was barn to the purple as the son of the emperor Heraclius Constantine, having been made co-emperor at the age of eleven. During his reign the Arabs continued their victorious advance into Byzantine territory, subjugating the rich province of Egypt by 642. Constans strengthened his position by proclaiming his son, Constantine IV, Pogonatus, as co-emperor. Towards the end of his reign Constans took the extraordinary step of leaving Constantinople, slowly traveling through the western provinces until he finally settled in Syracuse. This very handsome gold coin shows the emperor facing forward with a long beard and moustache, wearing crown and chlamys (cloak), holding a globe with cross. On the reverse is the cross patent on three steps. The gleaming gold of this coin still reflects the glory that was once the great Byzantine Empire.
Constans II was barn to the purple as the son of the emperor Heraclius Constantine, having been made co-emperor at the age of eleven. During his reign the Arabs continued their victorious advance into Byzantine territory, subjugating the rich province of Egypt by 642. Constans strengthened his position by proclaiming his son, Constantine IV, Pogonatus, as co-emperor. Towards the end of his reign Constans took the extraordinary step of leaving Constantinople, slowly traveling through the western provinces until he finally settled in Syracuse. This very handsome gold coin shows the emperor facing forward with a long beard and moustache, wearing crown and chlamys (cloak), holding a globe with cross. On the reverse is the cross patent on three steps. The gleaming gold of this coin still reflects the glory that was once the great Byzantine Empire.