Bronze Coin Of Emperor King Phillip II of Macedon, 358 BCE - 336 CE
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This Ancient Coin Has Been Set in a Modern 18 Karat Gold Rin Phillip II of Macedon has been proclaimed to be the greatest king in European History. He changed...
This Ancient Coin Has Been Set in a Modern 18 Karat Gold Rin
Phillip II of Macedon has been proclaimed to be the greatest king in European History. He changed Macedon from a divided group of fiefdoms into a powerful unified kingdom that vanquished great empires and became a terror in the ancient world. Phillip was a diplomatic genius possessing a natural strategic ability. Under his leadership, the Macedonian army would become the most formidable fighting force in the ancient world. After trade with Greece declined, Phillip used the resources of Macedon to acquire revenue to build up his army. Phillip also sought to improve the military by constantly training and drilling his soldiers in the use of new weapons and lighter armor. New, innovative tactics were also developed and utilized. Phillip's most formidable opponent was Athens. Although he sought to be on good diplomatic terms with Athens initially, they would eventually engage in war. Athens attacked Phillip, but was defeated at the battle of Charisoneia on August 22, 338 B.C. Afterwards, Phillip concentrated on expanding his empire to the east. However, before his dream was realized, he was assassinated in 336 B.C. His son, Alexander the Great, would ascend the throne go on to realize his father’s vision of an expansive eastern empire.
The glories of antiquity shine again with renewed brilliance and luster. Phillip and Alexander are among the most celebrated and enduring figures of history. The legend surrounding these individuals becomes reality when this ring is worn. The past literally comes alive. This ancient coin in not a relic of the past displayed behind glass in a museum; but mounted in this ring, the coin is a stunning centerpiece appreciated for its age as much as its beauty and superior craftsmanship.
Phillip II of Macedon has been proclaimed to be the greatest king in European History. He changed Macedon from a divided group of fiefdoms into a powerful unified kingdom that vanquished great empires and became a terror in the ancient world. Phillip was a diplomatic genius possessing a natural strategic ability. Under his leadership, the Macedonian army would become the most formidable fighting force in the ancient world. After trade with Greece declined, Phillip used the resources of Macedon to acquire revenue to build up his army. Phillip also sought to improve the military by constantly training and drilling his soldiers in the use of new weapons and lighter armor. New, innovative tactics were also developed and utilized. Phillip's most formidable opponent was Athens. Although he sought to be on good diplomatic terms with Athens initially, they would eventually engage in war. Athens attacked Phillip, but was defeated at the battle of Charisoneia on August 22, 338 B.C. Afterwards, Phillip concentrated on expanding his empire to the east. However, before his dream was realized, he was assassinated in 336 B.C. His son, Alexander the Great, would ascend the throne go on to realize his father’s vision of an expansive eastern empire.
The glories of antiquity shine again with renewed brilliance and luster. Phillip and Alexander are among the most celebrated and enduring figures of history. The legend surrounding these individuals becomes reality when this ring is worn. The past literally comes alive. This ancient coin in not a relic of the past displayed behind glass in a museum; but mounted in this ring, the coin is a stunning centerpiece appreciated for its age as much as its beauty and superior craftsmanship.