Hametite Bead Necklace with Coin Pendant, 96 CE - 98 CE
Hametite, Gold, Silv
Silver Denarius of Emperor Nerva. 96-98 AD. This ancient coin is set in a pendant of 18 karat gold and strung in a necklace with genuine Hametite Beads and with...
Silver Denarius of Emperor Nerva.
96-98 AD.
This ancient coin is set in a pendant of 18 karat gold and strung in a necklace with genuine Hametite Beads and with a 18 karat gold clasp. When the Roman Empire was at its height, this silver coin was passed hand to hand in the towns and markets, purchasing the luxuries and necessities of life. As we hold it today, we are aware of the vanished touch of others long ago, of men and women with hopes, dreams and passions not unlike our own. In a setting of subtle beauty, this ancient token reminds us that the essentials of life have remained the same across the centuries.
96-98 AD.
This ancient coin is set in a pendant of 18 karat gold and strung in a necklace with genuine Hametite Beads and with a 18 karat gold clasp. When the Roman Empire was at its height, this silver coin was passed hand to hand in the towns and markets, purchasing the luxuries and necessities of life. As we hold it today, we are aware of the vanished touch of others long ago, of men and women with hopes, dreams and passions not unlike our own. In a setting of subtle beauty, this ancient token reminds us that the essentials of life have remained the same across the centuries.