Mayan Polychrome Zoomorphic Effigy Mask, 550 CE - 950 CE
6.25 x 5
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This extraordinary ceramic effigy mask reveals the Mayan culture's fascinating symbolic language as expressed through its artwork. Because Mayan culture was extremely complex, its artistic representations are not always understood...
This extraordinary ceramic effigy mask reveals the Mayan culture's fascinating symbolic language as expressed through its artwork. Because Mayan culture was extremely complex, its artistic representations are not always understood in their original context. However, the intrinsic power and magnetism of Mayan art touches our sensibilities even without knowledge of is meaning. Here we experience the dramatic portrayal of a Mayan zoomorphic face, characteristically displaying a variety of animal traits, such as the jaguar and the monkey. Representing a creature from the underworld, this powerful image was believed to have tremendous supernatural powers. Perhaps when this mask as attached to the garments of the deceased it aided the person in his long journey in the netherworld. Whatever the original function of this fantastic creature, his spirit continues to affect all those who behold his unique and remarkable visage.