In ancient Egypt, rich and poor alike adorned themselves with amulets and charms to protect against evil and to ensure good fortune. Such talismans were an integral part of daily...
In ancient Egypt, rich and poor alike adorned themselves with amulets and charms to protect against evil and to ensure good fortune. Such talismans were an integral part of daily life, shaped in gold, gems, and most commonly, the glass paste, faience. The sharp-beaked falcon head crowned with a sun disk on this miniature statue identifies it as the god Horus, all-seeing protector of the pharaoh. The blessings of Horus were thought to make one as powerful as pharoah himself, and to keep one safe from harm. What is most remarkable about this amulet is its energy: the god is rendered with the muscular power of sculpture on a much larger scale. Full of benevolent magic, it evokes the eternal mystery that is Egypt itself.