Senufo Wooden Sculpture of a Woman, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
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For young girls the approach of motherhood can be a very frightening time; especially when they are expected to have children at an early age. However, giving birth is the...
For young girls the approach of motherhood can be a very frightening time; especially when they are expected to have children at an early age. However, giving birth is the most significant event in an African girl's life which immediately elevated her status in society. Unlike western cultures, art in Africa plays a pivotal role in helping people to overcome the difficult transitions of life; particularly birth, puberty and death.
This very charming sculpture was designed to act as a visual role model for girls who would see in her desirable attributes they wished to possess for themselves. Dignity, modesty, elegance and refinement are qualities most instantly apparent. These virtues were considered as important as the symbols of wealth and status, such as 'cat whisker' scarification around the mouth, and short lines radiating from the naval. This latter design signifies the life-giving energy force of the womb. Her lovely coiffure would be considered a work of art not only in the sculptural sense, but also in reality when worn by the fortunate few who could afford such ornamentation. The maternal presence of this sculpture, at once so gentle and kind, must have encouraged many tremulous and excited young girls on the threshold of motherhood.
This very charming sculpture was designed to act as a visual role model for girls who would see in her desirable attributes they wished to possess for themselves. Dignity, modesty, elegance and refinement are qualities most instantly apparent. These virtues were considered as important as the symbols of wealth and status, such as 'cat whisker' scarification around the mouth, and short lines radiating from the naval. This latter design signifies the life-giving energy force of the womb. Her lovely coiffure would be considered a work of art not only in the sculptural sense, but also in reality when worn by the fortunate few who could afford such ornamentation. The maternal presence of this sculpture, at once so gentle and kind, must have encouraged many tremulous and excited young girls on the threshold of motherhood.