The design of the seal is divided into two registers with a double ruling. Above: a hero down on one knee appears between two upended horned animals as a lion...
The design of the seal is divided into two registers with a double ruling. Above: a hero down on one knee appears between two upended horned animals as a lion on its hind legs is menacing from the right. A scorpion forms a terminal. Below: a heraldic eagle— head sideways at the top, wings spread an tail feathers out—grips the rumps of two horned animals one on each side.
This is a Sumerian seal of the Early Dynastic III period, c 2700-2500 B.C. It is nicely engraved, and in mint condition. The upper scene shows domestic animals being protected from attacks of lions. The lower scene presents the mythical Imdugud bird attacking domestic animals, a common scene so far not explained in any written source.