Head of the Emperor Hadrian, 100 CE - 300 CE
35.6 x 30.5 x 25.4 cm
14 1/8 x 12 1/8 x 10 in
14 1/8 x 12 1/8 x 10 in
Hadrian spent much of his reign traveling about the Roman Empire and checking into the well - being of the cities, towns, provinces, and ordinary citizens over whom he ruled....
Hadrian spent much of his reign traveling about the Roman Empire and checking into the well - being of the cities, towns, provinces, and ordinary citizens over whom he ruled. He was always interested in civic improvements, and would often have a new bridge, road, aqueduct, or temple built when he thought that the local citizens would benefit by such new construction. The reign of Hadrian at the height of the PAX ROMANA period was a time of great peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire. Hadrian was an educated emperor and a patron of the arts. He spent most of his reign visiting the different provinces of the empire and personally overseeing the improvements and public works carried out under his orders.
This exquisite head is believed to have been found in the near/middle east and, perhaps because of it's location, has uniquely been carved from dark stone. It's material and region of origin may explain why it has largely escaped the vandalism (such as removal of the nose) which was rampant with marble busts in antiquity.
This exquisite head is believed to have been found in the near/middle east and, perhaps because of it's location, has uniquely been carved from dark stone. It's material and region of origin may explain why it has largely escaped the vandalism (such as removal of the nose) which was rampant with marble busts in antiquity.