Yoruba Sculpture of a Kneeling Man, 18th Century CE - 19th Century CE
PF.6136 (LSO)
This is an important piece of African metalwork. It is a Yoruban representation of a kneeling male, made in the Ijebu style with prominent, rimmed eyes and an elongated face....
This is an important piece of African metalwork. It is a Yoruban representation of a kneeling male, made in the Ijebu style with prominent, rimmed eyes and an elongated face. Hte pose is unusual, kneeling on the left leg and the other thrust forwards. The figure is naked except for a belt, bracelets, and a western hat balanced atop his pointed head. The empty hands are raised to the mouth, indicating that he once held something – probably a musical instrument. The patination is dark and even, indicating some age. The usage of the piece is uncertain, although it is likely to have occupied a devotional role.