Gere Wooden Polychrome Mask, 1900 CE - 1930 CE
10.75 x 12.5
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Through dreams a person acquires the gift of the sculptor's art. And through dreams the Gle, or forest spirit, appears in full form to male initiates, telling them of the...
Through dreams a person acquires the gift of the sculptor's art. And through dreams the Gle, or forest spirit, appears in full form to male initiates, telling them of the type of mask they wish made for their appearance on earth. The initiate then informs the village elders the details of the mask; and it is they, the old venerables who decide whether it should be made and who should make it. The finished product, as in the case of this remarkable mask, is the result of wisdom, skill and inspiration.
Though paint was a European import, the African artist uses it to great advantage. The features of this mask seem to explode from the face; with rocket shaped eyes, protruding forehead, disc-shaped cheeks and large, fat lips. A shocking red band across the nose is not only dramatic, but serves to draw attention to the black pupils. Two white bands down the middle of each jowl add a vertical element to the mask's otherwise horizontal construction. There is an extraordinary sense of joy and amusement from this mask, as if the spirit who inspired it came to earth for the sake of laughter and fun.
Though paint was a European import, the African artist uses it to great advantage. The features of this mask seem to explode from the face; with rocket shaped eyes, protruding forehead, disc-shaped cheeks and large, fat lips. A shocking red band across the nose is not only dramatic, but serves to draw attention to the black pupils. Two white bands down the middle of each jowl add a vertical element to the mask's otherwise horizontal construction. There is an extraordinary sense of joy and amusement from this mask, as if the spirit who inspired it came to earth for the sake of laughter and fun.