The Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) was the second imperial dynasty of China and one of the longest major dynasties in Chinese history. In modern terms of military and political...
The Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) was the second imperial dynasty of China and one of the longest major dynasties in Chinese history. In modern terms of military and political power and cultural prestige, the Han Dynasty is currently considered to have rivalled its almost contemporary Roman Empire in the West. With only minor interruptions it lasted a span of over four centuries and was considered a golden age in Chinese history especially in arts, politics and technology. All subsequent Chinese dynasties looked back to the Han period as an inspiring model of a united empire and self-perpetuating government. Hollow-molded figurine of a pig, standing on its four legs on a frame, naturalistically represented with wrinkled snout and squiggly tail. Figures of pigs are frequently buried alongside noble members of society during the Han Dynasty. Produced in a variety of mediums, the pig was a symbol of wealth as well as a staple of the menu for the afterlife. As was the custom, sculpted effigies of animals were interred as food sources in the next world.