Chimú Stirrup Vessel, depicting Felines and Snake, AD 700 - AD 900
Chimu Stone Wall Appliqué, 900 CE - 1200 CE
Chimu Terracotta Stirrup Ves, 900 CE - 1200 CE
Chimu Terracotta Vessel, 900 CE - 1200 CE
Peruvian Silver Vessel, 900 CE - 1200 CE
Chavin Redware Anthropomorphic Vessel, 900 BCE - 500 CE
Cupisnique Greyware Seated Hunchback Vessel, 900 BCE - 300 CE
Ceremonial Polychrome Beaker, 800 CE - 1400 CE
Chimu Blackware Monkey Stirrup Vessel, 800 CE - 1200 CE
Chimu Blackware Stirrup Vessel in the Form of Two Men Wrestling, 800 CE - 1200 CE
Chimu Rattle in the Form of a Standing Woman, 800 CE - 1200 CE
Chavin Greyware Stirrup Vessel Depicting a Monkey, 700 BCE - 300 BCE
Paracas Culture Effigy Pot Depicting a Feline Deity, 600 BCE - 300 CE
Nazca Double Bridge Spouted Vase, 500 CE - 750 CE
Paracas Cavernas Spout and Bridge Effigy Jar, 500 BCE - 400 CE
Cupisnique Seated Monkey Vessel, 500 BCE - 200 CE
Salinar Culture Head Effigy Vessel, 500 BCE - 200 CE
Moche Painted Terracotta Florero Vessel, 400 CE - 800 CE
Moche Painted Terracotta Florero Vessel, 400 CE - 800 CE
Moche Painted Terracotta Florero Vessel, 400 CE - 800 CE
Moche Painted Terracotta Florero Vessel, 400 CE - 800 CE
Moche Painted Terracotta Florero Vessel, 400 CE - 800 CE
Moche Wooden Vessel with Inlaid Decorations, 400 CE - 800 CE
Gallinazo Vessel of Mother and Child, 400 BCE - 100 CE
Recuay Style Costumed Figure with a Llama, 300 CE - 800 CE
Late Nazca Painted Human Effigy Jug, 300 CE - 500 CE
Moche Portrait Head Stirrup Vessel, 200 CE - 600 CE
Moche Portrait Head Vessel, 200 CE - 600 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting a Demonic Head, 200 CE - 600 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting an Erotic Scene, 200 CE - 600 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting an Erotic Scene, 200 CE - 600 CE
Vicus/Moche Jaguar Stirrup Vessel, 200 CE - 600 CE
Moche Portrait Head Vessel, 200 CE - 500 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting an Elderly Seated Male, 200 BCE - 200 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel in the Form of a Llama, 200 BCE - 200 CE
Paracas/Nazca Vessel in the Form of a Monkey, 200 BCE - 200 CE
Tiahuanaco Stone Idol, 200 BCE - 1250 CE
Moche Feline Effigy Vessel with Vegetable Motifs, 200 BCE - 1 CE
Incan Wooden Ceremonial Beaker, 1450 CE - 1500 CE
Cuchimilco Figurative Vessel, 1200 AD to 1450 AD
Cuchimilco Standing Figure, 1200 AD to 1450 AD
Chancay Sculpture of a Female Llama, 1000 CE - 1450 CE
Chancay Sculpture of a Standing Man, 1000 CE - 1450 CE
Moche Anthropomorphic Effigy Vessel, 100 CE - 500 CE
Shell Mask, 100 CE - 500 CE
Muscovy Duck Effigy Vessel, 100 BCE - 300 CE
Moche Terracotta Figure, 100 AD to 500 AD
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting an Erotic Scene, 1 CE - 500 CE
Moche Stirrup-Spout Effigy Jar, 1 CE - 500 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel Depicting Two Warriors, 1 CE - 400 CE
Early Nazca Polychrome Bowl, 1 CE - 300 CE
Nazca Spouted Polychrome Vessel, 1 CE - 300 CE
Moche Stirrup Vessel with Four Lizards, 1 CE - 200 CE