Moche Feline Effigy Vessel with Vegetable Motifs, 200 BCE - 1 CE
height 19.7 cm
height 7 3/4 in
height 7 3/4 in
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Like the Cheshire cat in Wonderland, it is this feline's grin that lingers longest in the mind. His toothy smile and staring eyes, however, may be intended to frighten away...
Like the Cheshire cat in Wonderland, it is this feline's grin that lingers longest in the mind. His toothy smile and staring eyes, however, may be intended to frighten away the demons of the underworld. His unusual covering of vegetation perhaps indicates his status as a nature deity responsible for the fertility of the earth. In a modern world that no longer believes in such myths, it is only his charm that attracts us. Less fearsome than amusing, he invites our affection as any house pet might.