Kongo Ivory Sculpture of a Seated Man, 20th Century CE
3 x 11.875
Seated with his legs crossed this male figure wears a European style helmet with curved sides and a knob on the top. His face is finely modeled and very expressive,...
Seated with his legs crossed this male figure wears a European style helmet with curved sides and a knob on the top. His face is finely modeled and very expressive, showing both humility and pride. He holds a bottle in his left hand, the neck just touching a cup held in his right hand. At the base are three figures in relief showing two men facing each other on the front, and a women holding a baby. The frontal figures are in the same position with one knee resting on the ground. This is the posture of the hunter or healer offering his respects to the king. Between them is a solid object like a stool or cushion, which they frame nicely by the perfect proportions of their heads and body. The woman holds the child by the shoulders, with the baby's head turned upwards. Given the obvious prominence of the upper figure, he most likely represents a king or important chief; perhaps offering a libation to the gods, or visiting dignitaries at a ceremonial event.