Early Christian Pottery Oil Lamp, 400 CE - 500 CE
Terra Sigillata
7 x 12.7 cm
2 3/4 x 5 in
2 3/4 x 5 in
African red slip ware lamp decorated on the sunken discus with an angel, the shoulders patterned with swirls and dots, a plain knob handle in the back of the discus....
African red slip ware lamp decorated on the sunken discus with an angel, the shoulders patterned with swirls and dots, a plain knob handle in the back of the discus. This type of lamp originated in Northern Africa and is closely related to the production of African terra sigillata ware. Yet their exact origin is unknown, while some suggest Tunisia, others have indicated either Egypt or Cyrenaica.
Reference: N. Adler, Oil Lamps of the Holy Land, Israel, 2004:p. 158
Reference: N. Adler, Oil Lamps of the Holy Land, Israel, 2004:p. 158