Gold Ring with Bronze Coin of Emperor Constans, 348 CE - 358 CE
Bronze and Gold
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The fourth or fifth son of Constantine the Great, Constans was bestowed the title Caesar by his father in 333. When Constantine died in 337, Constans and his two brothers,...
The fourth or fifth son of Constantine the Great, Constans was bestowed the title Caesar by his father in 333. When Constantine died in 337, Constans and his two brothers, Constantius II and Constantine II, each adopted the title of Augustus and divided the empire among themselves. Constans took control of Italy, Africa, and Illyricum (the northwestern Balkans). In 340 Constantine II—ruler of Spain, Gaul, and Britain—invaded northern Italy but was defeated and killed by Constans' army at Aquileia. This victory gave Constans control over the entire western half of the empire. He defended his realm successfully against the Franks in 341 and two years later visited Britain. In 350, however, he was overthrown and killed in Gaul by the usurper Magnus Magnentius. Overall Constans is remembered as an ardent orthodox Christian and vigorous opponent of paganism.