A Hellenistic Terracotta Statue of Dionysos, 4th Century BC
height 15.9 cm
height 6 1/4 in
height 6 1/4 in
A Hellenistic terracotta statue of a young Dionysos. The god is shown naked, standing on an architectural plinth, with a heavy cloak draped over him and hanging over his outstretched...
A Hellenistic terracotta statue of a young Dionysos. The god is shown naked, standing on an architectural plinth, with a heavy cloak draped over him and hanging over his outstretched right arm. His hair loosely kept back with a crown of foliage and berries, two long tresses falling on either side of his face, and trace amounts of gilding. These finely moulded figures, often highly decorated, rose in popularity during the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. Common themes include fashionable women, gods and goddesses, heroic athletes, and bacchanalian merriment.