Standing Male With Jaguar Skin Headdress, 500 CE - 800 CE
height 58.4 cm
height 23 in
height 23 in
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The symbol of the jaguar is prevalent throughout all the Ancient Pre-Columbian cultures. The most feared and revered beast in Mesoamerica, the jaguar played a prominent religious role. Jaguars were...
The symbol of the jaguar is prevalent throughout all the Ancient Pre-Columbian cultures. The most feared and revered beast in Mesoamerica, the jaguar played a prominent religious role. Jaguars were important shaman creatures and in states of ritual transformation, humans changed themselves into jaguars from at least Olmec times onward. The shaman importance of animal transformation and animal spirits in Mesoamerica suggests remote hunter and gatherer origins from before the development of agriculture and food production. This ferocious and beautiful animal is always depicted in the most noble and revered manner. In Costa Rica, a man or woman of tremendous power and strength most probably owned this magnificent statue. The jaguar motif on this work symbolized the nobility of the person who possessed it.