Standing Female Figure Volcanic Stone, 1000 CE - 1500 CE
Standing Male Figure, 1000 CE - 1500 CE
Zoomorphic Effigy Vessel, 1000 CE - 1450 CE
Zoomorphic Effigy Vessel, 1000 CE - 1450 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jaguar Effigy Vessel, 1000 CE - 1350 CE
Vessel in the Form of a Saurian Deity, 1000 CE - 1300 CE
Atlantic Watershed Jade Avian Mace Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Atlantic Watershed Jade Bird-Celt Pendant, 100 CE - 500 CE
Atlantic Watershed Jade Figure-Celt Pendant, 100 CE - 500 CE
Atlantic Watershed Jade Pendant of a Monkey Eating a Fruit, 100 CE - 500 CE
Basalt Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Basalt Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Basalt Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Basalt Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Basalt Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Green Stone Trophy Head, 100 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Bird-Celt Pendant with a Large Headdress, 100 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Celt, 100 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Figure-Celt Pendant, 100 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Figure-Celt Pendant with a Large Headdress, 100 CE - 500 CE
Jade Ceremonial Axe, 100 CE - 500 CE
Zoomorphic Effigy Vessel, 100 CE - 500 CE
Animal Effigy Jar, 100 CE - 1550 CE
Sculpture of a Standing Saurian Deity Holding a Club and a Head, 100 BCE - 500 CE
Terracotta Monkey Effigy Vessel, 100 BCE - 500 CE
Turtle Effigy Vessel, 100 BCE - 500 CE
Jade Pendant of a Buzzard, 100 AD to 500 AD
Atlantic Watershed Jade Figure Pendant, 1 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Mace Head in the Form of a Monkey Head, 1 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Mace Head in the Form of a Bat Head, 1 CE - 500 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Sculpture of a Seated Woman, 1 CE - 500 CE
Polychrome Sculpture of a Seated Woman, 1 CE - 500 CE
Human Effigy Vessel, 1 CE - 300 CE
Human Effigy Vessel, 1 CE - 300 CE
Guanacaste-Nicoya Jade Bird-Celt Pendant, 1 CE - 1000 CE
Costa Rican stone mortar in the form of a frog
Green Stone Skull Mask
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