- Ekoi Wooden Dance Crest Covered in Hide, 20th Century CE
- He-He Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Baule Bicephalous Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Bambara Mask of an Antelope Head, 20th Century CE
- Bambara Wooden Polychrome Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Bamileke Wooden Buffalo Mask, 20th Century CE
- Bassa Wooden Gela Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Baule Bicephalous Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Baule Wooden Goli Mask, 20th Century CE
- Baule Wooden Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Chokwe Wooden Cihongo Mask with Cloth and Raffia Fibers, 20th Century CE
- Dan Kran Wooden Polychrome Kaogle Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Deangle Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Tankagle Mask, 20th Century CE
- Gola Wooden Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Hemba Wooden Soko-Mutu Mask, 20th Century CE
- Ibibio Colonial Polychrome Dance Mask, 20th Century CE
- Ibibio Wooden Polychrome Mask, 20th Century CE
- Ligbi Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Malinke Wooden Horned Mask, 20th Century CE
- Senufo Kponiugo Firespitter Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Senufo Wooden Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Senufo Wooden Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Songye Kifwebe Mask, Twentieth Century AD
- Yoruba Wooden Polychrome Egungun Headdress Mask, 20th Century CE
- Yoruba Wooden Polychrome Gelede Mask, 20th Century CE
- Bambara Antelope Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Bambara Wooden Ceremonial Face Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Grasslands Wooden Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Songye Kifwebe Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Southern Guro Wooden Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Fang Wooden Polychrome Ngontang Helmet Mask, 1910 CE - 1930 CE
- Dan Wooden Gunyega Mask with Raffia Beard, 1900 CE - 1930 CE
- Yoruba Gelede Mask, 1900 CE - 1925 CE
- Yaure wooden ceremonial dance mask, 1870 CE - 1920 CE
- Benin Ornamental Mask of a Leopard Head, 1700 CE - 1897 CE
- Yoruba Wooden Epa Mask, Yoruba Wooden Epa Mask
- Lega Lukwakongo 'Passport Mask', Nineteenth to Twentieth Century AD
- Mende Sowei Helmet Mask, Nineteenth to Twentieth Century AD
- Lega Lukwakongo 'Passport' Mask, Nineteenth Century AD
- Baule Brass Face Mask Surmounted by a Bird, 20th Century CE
- Bete Wooden Face Mask, 20th Century CE
- Chokwe Mask, 20th Century CE
- Chokwe Pwo Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Bird Mask (Ge Gon) with Elongated Beak, 20th Century CE
- Dan Gagon Bird Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Gunye Ge or Zapkei Ge Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Maou Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Dan Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Kuba (Bwoom) Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Kuba (Bwoom) Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Lega Wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Marka ritual wooden Mask, 20th Century CE
- Sande Society Mende Helmet Mask, 20th Century CE
- Senufo Wooden Kpeliye'e Mask, 20th Century CE
- Wooden Mask of a Lion, 20th Century CE
- Yoruba Egungun Headdress Mask, 20th Century CE
- Yoruba Painted Wooden Dance Mask, 20th Century CE
- Yoruba Wooden Polychrome Dance Mask, 20th Century CE
- Zoomorphic Mask, 20th Century CE
- Baule Wooden Mask, 19th to early 20th Century CE
- Wooden Polychrome Mask, 19th Century CE - 20th Century CE
- Punu Two Faced Mask, 19th - 20th Century CE
- Colonial Gere (We) Polychrome Mask, 1900 CE - 1950 CE
- Benin Bronze Hip Mask, 18th Century CE - 19th Century CE
- Benin Bronze Mask of a Leopard with Bells, 18th Century CE - 19th Century CE
- Benin Bronze Mask of an Oba, 18th Century CE - 19th Century CE
- Yaure wooden ceremonial dance mask, 1870-1920 CE
- Yaure wooden ceremonial dance mask, 1870 - 1920 CE